Positive American Youth & The GA Spartans Men’s Bball Team teamed up to supply hundreds of stuffed book bags to families during the pandemic with a safe, yet entertaining drive through style distribution.
Reec Swiney hosted the event and helped get the word out alongside the events media partner Streetz 94.5. While sponsors such as Peach State Health plan and Atlanta Fibroid Center lent helping hands and supplies to the event.
Reec (PAYUSA Spokeman) & Jerell Shearin (GA Spartans Owner) hand book bags to cars as they pull through the line!
@ReecSwiney with Streetz 94.5FM Team
Free Stuffed Book Bags and Fresh Grocery Boxes!
Hosted by @reecswiney brought to you by @payusa1 @georgiaspartans #AtlantaFibroidCenter, @dr_lipman @writrzblock
#peachstatehealthplan and @streetz945atl