reec swiney

Hope for the holidays bike & Barbie giveaway, huge success for Positive American Youth & partners 🌲

Hope for the holidays bike, and Barbie giveaway a huge success for Positive American Youth and it’s partners Saturday, December 23, 2023 Positive American Youth put on its annual hope for the holidays toy giveaway. This year the theme was Bikes & Barbies. Over 400 families were served with toys, electronics HomeGoods, food items [...]

Candy Give Away & Block Party a Big Hit For Community!

If you missed the annual @payusa1 Trunk or Treat Block Party then you most definitely missed a treat! Over 100,000 pieces of candy was given away, along with prizes and a brand new flat screen tv for the best costumes! Over 500 people were in attendance and of course you know the event was hosted [...]


To date we (PAYUSA) have been able to identify hundreds of student athletes who could greatly benefit from receiving brand new high performance Under Amour Cleats. This program not only boost the confidence of the athlete but also takes a little financial pressure away from the family.  Our spokesman, Reec (, has been awesome at [...]

We teamed up with Olive Garden & Reec (Radio personality) to provide meals for student athletes!

Recently we teamed up with Olive Garden and Reec Swiney (Radio personality) to provide meals for student athletes! Reec also delivered an impromptu yet relatable message to the student athletes about accountability and goal focusing. Thanks Reec! Weekly Positive American Youth Provides food, meals, and groceries to families in need. In an effort to lighten [...]

POSTPONED to 7/29 (Weather) Free Grocery, Home Good, Paper Products, Toys & More!

We always want to make sure that we take care of our community in the best way possible. Due to the inclement weather warnings we have decided to postpone our mass drive through event to another date (7/29/21). Thank you for your patience and continued support. Our regular food pantry hours are still available if [...]

Fox 5 / Good Day – Feature’s on Positive American Youth! Positive American Youth, also known as "P.A.Y USA," was established in 1997. Their goal is to help youth through entertainment, sports, education, and fundraising events. Reec Swiney (spokesman) says since the pandemic, they have been working overtime, not only to ensure that the youth are taken care of but also their families as well. [...]

PAYUSA & Local Police Help Community Get Answers

It's no secret that communities have been struggling with police interaction for decades. With the advent of social media, stories are going viral of injustice and people want answers and a straight line of communication with local law enforcement. Answers & information that can one day slow down these heartbreaking stories of harmful and even [...]

Three Turkey Give Away Events on Three Sides of Town!

Positive American Youth is back at it with our BIG BIRD GIVE AWAY EVENTS! To keep yo guys safe we will be doing them non contact style. each event will be hosted by Reec ((@ReecSwiney) & Ms. Juicy (@MsJuicyRSMS) of Reec Radio! As always, there will be thanksgiving style fixings to go with your free [...]

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