Cops and Clippers is Back!
Next Event is 3/21/19

Check out Our Last Clippers & Cops Event!!
February 21 marked the kick off for the community event titled Clippers and Cops. The community came out to talk face to face with members of the local police force in hopes of gaining understanding and clarity, while building a relationship between the two parties. The event was moderated by Reec Swiney of Hot 107.9 and Ty Dennis(APD Detective / Task Force Officer with ATF) who is also the brainchild of the program.

Topics included:
What to do when you get pulled over
What Does the community expect from the police
Teen crime
Police brutality and excessive force
Gang policing and prevention
One of the most interesting portions of the event was a tutorial on citizen etiquette when getting pulled over. You can see it at Clippers Facebook Page and website:
Clippers and Cops is a traveling program and will be at a Barbershop near you soon! Tune in to Hot 107.9 for details.