For 15 years PAYUSA’s Annual PAYDAY event has created an experience that the entire family can enjoy. This year we have teamed up with The Annual Turkey Classic and Atlanta super star artist K-Camp’s organization (Campsgiving) in order to blow the roof off of the building for a multitude of fun and excitement. 
The day will kick off with a basketball camp run by trainer to the stars JFB Train. 
A dance battle wil persue.
Preceeeding the Celebrity basketball game will be a shoot out dubbed Redbull’s Run The Racks. The Celeb game will come right after and is loaded with influencers, athletes and artist. At halftime we will honor the mother’s of fallen artist including, Trouble, Snootie WIld, Dolph, PnB Rock and Takeoff. There will also be a two round, 4 minute DJ Face off.
The day will conclude with a turkey and grocery basket give away.